I'm sure you typed:
Friday, August 26, 2011
Ultimately, it's my fault. I waited too long to ask for a job and the result is this, no job until Christmas. That goes with both jobs. I could say the piano job wasn't exactly my fault, I was in baltimore when the training happened. I'm actually kind of mad that they put me into the teacher training in OCTOBER, which only really means I can't work until December AT LEAST.
..Oh well, now I can finally accept that Irish kid who wants someone to teach piano. Pays better than the studio anyways (:
and NTS: Apply for Condo pools, Supreme pools and other private pools.
Friday, August 19, 2011
For once during this whole "project", i'm feeling writer's block. LOL. Words flow so easily when I write this but this morning, something feels different about myself and I can't seem to make myself write. Maybe this is fate telling me I should drop the guitar and go brush my teeth and shower LOL.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Next year is going to be hectic but I'll like it.
I'm gonna be teaching swimming at community centers while teaching piano privately AND at a studio. On top of that, i'm continuing with my piano theory studies and Grade 10 RCM piano. AND i'm prepping for a university music program and a double degree in Engineering. To top it off, i'm going to have to catch up A LOT on Jazz studies because I'm definitely not up to par. It's a fun year.. but will be the most stressful of my whole life. GO JEFF.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Just because I haven't seen you in a while, doesn't mean we're not doing okay. Look i'm sorry I had to go on vacation on your birthday, but it's something I can't control. I'm sorry I was away so long? I made damn well that you were happy before you left just so I could return, hopefully, to the smile I had left you with. I miss you a lot too, but don't let missing me cause your problems. I understand how you missing me will make you think about every possible negative thing in your mind, but really, I've told you time and time again, just shut off your brain, there's no need to be like this. I'm not trying to cause problems here. I tried making things right. But in a relationship, it's a two part thing. I might not be doing the best I can either. I remember looking at old wall posts from back in Jan - Feb on random people's pictures and stuff and seeing you talk to someone else made me feel mad. I'm still trying as hard, and if we stop being over critical in our relationship like how we did back in Feb or so, i'd be happy, you'd be happy, WE'D be happy. It takes both of us. I'm sure if we both tried, to think less, to keep the promises we have with each other, and just live happily with one another, we would be just fine.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I'm scared that everytime something happens to me, or I feel a certain way, you'd feel that too. And it'll be all because of me.
Legit, i'm tired. Physically exhausted, and mentally done. I wouldn't mind going on another vacation away from everything.
I used up all my energy. I literally have no energy for emotion today. I'm completely drained.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
I wish I had money.
I wish I had money.I wish I had money.
I wish I had money.
I wish I had money.
Fuck thought.
Fuck time.
Fuck effort.
I wish I had money.